How to get from Side to Antalya
How to get from Side to Antalya by bus or taxi. The bus will naturally cost you much cheaper, but you need to know how it goes and the location of stops. So how to get from Side to Antalya by bus?
Bus from Side to Antalya
The bus from Side to Antalya departs from the bus station in Manavgat. But, even if you didn't manage to get there, you can catch him on the track. When you take a minibus from Side to Manavgat, ask the driver to drop you off at Antalya Road. From this place, walk about 20 meters to the stop, you do not need to cross the road. Buses to Antalya run every hour, and even more often in summer. The fare will be about 14-16 liras. This is the answer to the question of how to get from Side to Antalya by bus.
If you want to visit Antalya in order to walk and see the city, then take an inexpensive excursion to Antalya from Side . Here you will be picked up directly from the hotel by comfortable transport with a guide. And after the trip they will bring back. You will walk along the cozy streets of the city, visit the Duden waterfall, climb the cable car to the top of Mount Tunektepe, visit the most interesting places in Antalya, see the old city of Ichkale with all its attractions, and learn a lot about the capital. This will save you both time and effort. And we will make your stay bright and memorable.
We hope we have answered your question on how to get from Side to Antalya.